Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Introduction to Techne's Blog -- And Blogger!

Hello again future Techne families and supporters,

First, some bittersweet news. As some of you may already know, the board has decided to postpone Techne's opening until September 2012. But, as Deena posted in her e-mail, "this will give us additional time to create a bullet proof petition, recruit a couple of additional board members, apply for extra sources of funding and open the school in an organized way." (Not a subscribed to Techne e-mails? E-mail us at and let us know you want the inside scoop!)

On a personal note, this gives me the chance to get my preschool credentials because the board has also decided that we will be adding a preschool to the campus. The preschool will serve to generate revenue and students for the charter school. Thanks to a silent investor, an earlier opening date for the preschool is a serious possibility!!

Both Deena and I will be taking Child Development classes in order to qualify as Assistants or Associate Teachers. There is already one future Techne teacher on the board, and another who is going to be the Director. So that means that Techne's board members will be actively participating in your child's education!

I thought that it would be a good idea to make some introductions since (hopefully) the blog has been attracting more attention. I'll do my own first, then post the others as soon as I can get them from other board members.

My name is Ashleigh Puente. I'm a 22 year old native of San Diego. I have a BA in Sociology and Disability Studies from UCLA. While at UCLA, I worked at an over-crowded and under-resourced preschool in Watts, a community notorious for its poverty and violence. Right now, I work as a tutor and behavioral therapist for kids with autism. I specialize in working with kids with disabilities, but of course I love all kids :). I truly believe in giving kids the attention they need in order to succeed, no matter their ability. It's our jobs as educators and family members to ensure that every child feels smart.

I'm excited to bring these passions and ideals to Techne Charter School, and I hope you're all excited to have me!

I have to get to work now, but more on Techne and its board members sometime soon..

- Ashleigh

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Long Post Inspired by Passionate Parents!

Hello Parents, Families, and Friends!

Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting with the other board members who are working so hard on getting Techne Charter School up and running. I have to say, even as a board member myself -- I was truly inspired! The people in charge of this project are so passionate! They have a vision for their children and the future children of Techne and they are not afraid to fight for what they believe in. Plus, they have some really great ideas that will make Techne both unique and successful -- smaller classes, project-based learning, looping, outdoor classrooms, science through art, longer days so the children can have time for P.E., and school-wide thematic units!

In this blog post, we're providing you all with the school's mission statement and a parent questionnaire. Please feel free to post any questions, concerns, or comments you have regarding absolutely anything involving Techne Charter and we will be more than happy (really, we'll be ecstatic that there's "comments" on our "blog", trust me) to answer them.


Our Mission
The mission of Techne Charter of San Diego is to provide an educational environment that combines a rigorous academic curriculum with authentic learning opportunities.  Techne Charter will use school-wide thematic units and multi-grade projects, along with parent  involvement to create a community of learners and provide an environment where students are motivated to become life-long learners.

What makes Techne Charter unique?
Techne Charter will provide a neutral and unbiased learning environment.
Techne Charter will  employ a year-around school calendar.
Techne Charter will use looping to create a stable environment for students.
Techne Charter will use hands-on learning and projects to provide authentic learning experiences.
Techne Charter will utilize an outdoor classroom for a variety of learning experiences.
Techne Charter will emphasize science through the arts in a variety activities.
Techne Charter will utilize school-wide thematic units to create a cohesive learning community.
Techne Charter will incorporate authentic literature in Reader's and Writer's Workshops.
Techne Charter will use Singapore Math curriculum.
Techne Charter Homework policy will focus on real reading and family projects, not worksheets.

What is Project-Based Learning?
Project Based Learning is an instructional approach built upon authentic learning activities that engage student interest and motivation. These activities are designed to answer a question or solve a problem and generally reflect the types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.
Source: the Project Based Learning website

Example: Animal Life
Student - Class Project: Students research animals and use the information to create a classroom "Animal Encyclopedia." They might create animal habitat dioramas for their animals to show in-depth understanding.

School-wide Thematic Project: Students might create a butterfly garden that could be used by all students to study a life-cycle and learn what is required for a living habitat. This garden might also be used for various lessons in drawing, poetry, or math and science activities.

What is Science Through Art?
Science and art naturally overlap. Both are a means of investigation. Both involve ideas, theories, and hypotheses that are tested in places where mind and hand come together—the laboratory and studio. Artists, like scientists, study and learn to transform information into something else.
Example: Outdoor Classroom and Art-Science Lab
The scientific method would be used to explore various concepts in an outdoor environment. Students will use math and science skills to observe, chart and reflect on plant growth, how sun, water and food affect growth. Students might observe and draw plants over time to record changes. 
Students might experiment with digital cameras, photographing the butterflies, the garden, the changes and growth of plants. Photos could be used to create a school display, along with drawings, clay models or other creations depicting scientific understanding. 

Parent Questionnaire - If you would like to fill out the parent questionnaire, please copy and paste the following into a "comment".

Child 1 - name and age:
Child 1 - grade entering:
Child 2 - name and age:
Child 2 - grade entering:
Child 3 - name and age:
Child 3 - grade entering:
Techne Charter Requires Parent Participation. Please list any skills that you may have: 
We are interested in becoming a founding family: Y / N
I am interested in being a board member: Y / N
I am interested in being part of a committee (funding, education, etc.-- if so, name which committee): Y / N and type of committee

Note: The "founding families" are what they sound like -- the first group of families to be a part of Techne Charter. But they are also expected to put more volunteer hours (somewhere between 75-100) into Techne's pre-opening stage. Help with initial fundraising, landscaping, cleaning and organizing classrooms, etc. -- any way we or you can think of to help :). Founding families have priority in the lotteries when other siblings wish to attend Techne.

"Board members" are members of Techne's board that make the ultimate decisions together. Hiring employees, designating volunteer opportunities/responsibilities, picking a location for the school, spreading the word and serving as leaders for the committees.

"Committee members" are parents, family members and friends who are involved in a specific committee (or several, if you wish) concerned with specific tasks, such as funding, landscaping, graphic design,  etc.


I know this is very long and I am sincerely impressed and grateful if you stuck through til the end. Please, fill out the questionnaire, post questions, and give me a virtual pat on the back for this monster of a post. :)

- Ashleigh Puente

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Call to Action!


Hi friends and family,
Hope everyone is doing well!  I wanted to let you know about something I'm involved in with a few friends of mine--opening a new charter elementary school
Charter schools are tuition-free public schools which are authorized by the local school district but operate independently. 
Even though I am happy as a stay-at-home mom, I see the urgent need for a small, quality public school that utilizes a rigorous academic curriculum and project based method.   Many schools in my area perform poorly, quality charter schools are hard to get into, and private school costs range from $10,000 - $25,000 a year!
Charter schools are rapidly growing in popularity, partly due to the cuts of arts and science within district schools and smaller class size (district ratio for the coming year is 1 to 30).  Here are some examples, to give you an idea of the demand:
Explorer Elementary – over 1,000 applications for 4 open spots in their Kindergarten program
Urban Discovery (currently in their 3rd year) - waiting list just to take a tour. A tour must be completed before submitting an application
SDCCS – Over 140 applications to fill 18 spots in their Kindergarten program
1.) We will offer a hands-on learning approach with an emphasis on “Science through the Arts”.  2.) Our school will be small with a lower teacher to student ratio.  Target grades for the first year are K-2, but can be extended based on need.  The plan is to increase by at least 1 grade per year thereafter.  However, this would remain a small school with a maximum of about 300 students. 3.) Parent participation is not only welcome but required. 4.) We are neutral and nonsectarian not only in theory but practice.
Based upon approval of our charter petition (a document of 60-100 pages which outlines everything from curriculum to budget) and securing a location, it is possible this school could be open in September 2011.  If not, it would open September 2012.
We are actively scouting locations in central San Diego.  These can include, but are not limited to:  retail space, former schools, office buildings, etc.
You can best answer this question.  Your skill might be just what we need!  Here are a few things to get you thinking:  great writers to help us write the petition and grants for additional funding, someone with experience in commercial real estate leasing, someone with legal expertise, enthusiastic parents of potential students, and anyone with a willing and helpful spirit! 
Please respond if you are interested in assisting, have questions, or just want to voice your support!  :)  Feel free to forward this email.  Thanks for your time.
Deena Cano