Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Introduction to Techne's Blog -- And Blogger!

Hello again future Techne families and supporters,

First, some bittersweet news. As some of you may already know, the board has decided to postpone Techne's opening until September 2012. But, as Deena posted in her e-mail, "this will give us additional time to create a bullet proof petition, recruit a couple of additional board members, apply for extra sources of funding and open the school in an organized way." (Not a subscribed to Techne e-mails? E-mail us at and let us know you want the inside scoop!)

On a personal note, this gives me the chance to get my preschool credentials because the board has also decided that we will be adding a preschool to the campus. The preschool will serve to generate revenue and students for the charter school. Thanks to a silent investor, an earlier opening date for the preschool is a serious possibility!!

Both Deena and I will be taking Child Development classes in order to qualify as Assistants or Associate Teachers. There is already one future Techne teacher on the board, and another who is going to be the Director. So that means that Techne's board members will be actively participating in your child's education!

I thought that it would be a good idea to make some introductions since (hopefully) the blog has been attracting more attention. I'll do my own first, then post the others as soon as I can get them from other board members.

My name is Ashleigh Puente. I'm a 22 year old native of San Diego. I have a BA in Sociology and Disability Studies from UCLA. While at UCLA, I worked at an over-crowded and under-resourced preschool in Watts, a community notorious for its poverty and violence. Right now, I work as a tutor and behavioral therapist for kids with autism. I specialize in working with kids with disabilities, but of course I love all kids :). I truly believe in giving kids the attention they need in order to succeed, no matter their ability. It's our jobs as educators and family members to ensure that every child feels smart.

I'm excited to bring these passions and ideals to Techne Charter School, and I hope you're all excited to have me!

I have to get to work now, but more on Techne and its board members sometime soon..

- Ashleigh

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